"common union" Tagged Sermons

Every Hope You Have is Found HERE

Join Pastor Les–grab some juice and bread, some wine and crackers or your coffee and a danish–and savor a moment of communion. EVERY hope you have is found HERE EVERY pain you have is healed HERE EVERY journey you are on is completed HERE WHERE is HERE?  Many would say the church; the worship service; in good counseling or in right doctrine.  HERE is WHERE Christ was crucified and lives again so that we may have life. “Peace is not…

Psalm 16 Communion

We have two dogs.  A very large, old dog named Dakota and a very small dog named Harley.  They both are terribly afraid of thunderstorms.  Just the slightest chance of a thunderstorm and they are looking for a lap to crawl into. Psalm 16 says… “Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.   I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Join us for a few minutes as Pastor Les…