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New Creation = New Encounters

“We are not called to become Better Caterpillars!! We are to become whole new creations!” (Pastor Les) A God Encounter is  “Any kind of significant, powerful and personal experience with God”   It is a moment of time spiritually, emotionally, mentally or physically where you can point to and say, “I experienced God there”  Encounter Declarations:  “I am designed for God encounters” “I have a right to regularly encounter God” “I am a New Creation which means new God Encounters” The…

God’s Vision for Me!

Very few of us would purposefully believe a lie and even fewer of us would tell a lie.   Yet, in our rush to make ourselves ‘safe’ and looking like we are not ‘failures’ we often believe and then repeat lies about ourselves and our future. Have you heard yourself say, or have you thought… “I don’t have goals for 2018” “I don’t have a vision for my life” “I don’t do new year’s resolutions because they don’t work” Well, those…

Valuing His Presence Changes Our Identity

“Jesus is never mad at you, irritated with you or wanting to take back your salvation or healing from you.  NEVER.  EVER.”  (Les) Before His conversation is over, Jesus is interrupted with the news that the daughter of Jarius has died.  Instead of comforting Jarius or feeling sorry for him, Jesus looks at him and says,  “Have faith.  Don’t be afraid.”   If you said that to most people who are sick, addicted or in relational distress today they would be…

The Cross & Palm Sunday

“When was the last time you went from praising Jesus to wanting him dead in your life? It probably wasn’t too long ago” (Pastor Les) It is so easy to give a cursory reading of Palm Sunday scripture and place ourselves in the camp of the people celebrating Jesus instead of the camp of the religious who were planning to kill Jesus. The angry religious people and the crowds crying Hosanna have a lot more in common than you might…

Every Hope You Have is Found HERE

Join Pastor Les–grab some juice and bread, some wine and crackers or your coffee and a danish–and savor a moment of communion. EVERY hope you have is found HERE EVERY pain you have is healed HERE EVERY journey you are on is completed HERE WHERE is HERE?  Many would say the church; the worship service; in good counseling or in right doctrine.  HERE is WHERE Christ was crucified and lives again so that we may have life. “Peace is not…

Are Your Politics Governed by Your Flesh or His Spirit?

How can you know if your politics are being governed by your flesh or by His Spirit? Pastor Les shares from Romans 8 and explores a few area wrapped around this idea that we should be manifesting His Spirit even while in the midst of politics (and this season does not give us license to hate).  He takes on the wrong idea that we should vote our ‘conscience’ and gives us a few questions to ask ourselves to see if…

Communion with Kathleen Gage

He sent His Son as manna, as the Bread of Life, to sustain them and feed them, to show them His presence and that there was another kingdom that would take care of them.