The Art of Finding Vision

The Art of Finding Vision

Lots of people struggle with admitting to having vision yet every one of us has vision.  Pastor Les breaks down Proverbs 29:18 and describes vision as both deeply spiritual and fiercely practical.

The Bible teaches that we receive vision four different ways…

  1. Thru God and angels
  2. Thru experiences, such as prophecy, vision, etc.
  3. Thru scripture
  4. Thru natural functions

You may be surprised to learn that Nehemiah did not have a vision to save the city but rather a deep desire.  And, I could not find where David had a prophetic word or an angelic visit telling him to fight Goliath.  Instead, each of these men were walking in the naturalness of their personalities and proper desires.

Join us as we start 2017 by discovering vision and its importance.

“As counter intuitive as it sounds and feels, Vision helps us by restraining us.”
(Pastor Les)