Why Your Spirit Should Rebuke Your Soul

Why Your Spirit Should Rebuke Your Soul

“Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?

(Psalm 42:5)

I love the imagery here in this Psalm.  It is saying, “Why are you making such loud moaning noises and drowning me out with your moans like a roaring ocean?”

Your “Soul” is you, your being, your mind and your emotions.  It is not your Spiritual Man and it is not your Flesh. Pinch yourself—that is not your Soul.  Speak in tongues—that is not your Soul.  That which is “Saved” is not your soul.  Your Spirit is saved.  Your Soul is Being saved.  Your Flesh will be saved.  

The author here is talking to Himself.  He is asking his soul a question and then answering it with His Spirit.  The above scripture was his soul, below is his spirit speaking…

Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

Your Soul is a lesser part of you than your Spirit.  Your soul is in the process of being Redeemed, while your Spirit is now perfect in God’s eyes, seated in heaven with Jesus. 

Your Spirit is meant to be the Leader—Your Spirit is the Higher Reason, not your mind or your emotions.  

Your Spirit should be rebuking Your Soul!  How does that sound?  Maybe something like this…

  • “I don’t have any friends!”  VS “Jesus is my Friend!”
  • “I’m always so tired”  VS “I gain strength by waiting on God!”
  • “The world is a bad place!”  VS “The earth is the Lord’s, the fullness of it all!”

IF you are leading your self with your soul then you are being led by a fool!”
(Pastor Les)