"poverty thinking" Tagged Sermons

Breaking Poverty Thinking thru Prophetic Activation

“The most powerful act you can do to break the poverty mentality is to learn how to receive from God AND to receive things from God thru people. ”  (Pastor Les) Sunday, December 31, 2017,  the last Sunday of 2017, was the Sunday we handed out 15 $100 bills For about 4 weeks God had been telling me, “I want to break Poverty Thinking off of people.”  I know the rut of poverty thinking well and I have experienced the annoyance of a very…

How to Break Free from Poverty Thinking

“Is the Spirit of poverty a demonic influence or a pattern of thinking?” (Pastor Les) Do you want your children to live in poverty or prosperity?  Our nation to live in poverty or prosperity?  Of course you want your children to be prosperous in relationships, jobs, health and finances! Poverty is the state of being extremely poor; the state of being inferior in quality of insufficient in amount.   Prosperity is a successful, flourishing or thriving condition. Poverty thinking comes from a wrong view…