"valuing his presence" Tagged Sermons

Valuing His Presence Changes Our Identity

“Jesus is never mad at you, irritated with you or wanting to take back your salvation or healing from you.  NEVER.  EVER.”  (Les) Before His conversation is over, Jesus is interrupted with the news that the daughter of Jarius has died.  Instead of comforting Jarius or feeling sorry for him, Jesus looks at him and says,  “Have faith.  Don’t be afraid.”   If you said that to most people who are sick, addicted or in relational distress today they would be…

Valuing His Presence & Power

(We apologize for the first portion of this audio being cut off) Pastor Les covers a few things related to the story of the woman with the issue of blood: The same power that left Jesus to heal is within us no Faith does not heal us but rather activates the presence and power of God We will increase the power of God in our lives as we place greater value on the presence of Jesus within us

Valuing His Presence

“We are not waiting for God to show up. He is waiting for us to notice Him already here.”  (Les) In this message Les shares a pivotal message that is impacting the direction of his life and the life of The Journey Church. To value something means we put importance upon it and/or deem it useful.  We recognize those things that we value.  Many of us can recognize the work and voice of the enemy but few of us recognize…