Sermons on Healing (Page 2)

How to Turn Worry Into Prayer

Did you know that worry replaces prayer?  That worry tunes out God with the sound of our own voices?  Listen in as we explore what worry is, what kind of prayer replaces it and the three steps to turning worry into prayer.

How to Save Yourself from Disaster by Janie

Guest speaker Janie Garber shares with us how being at peace will heal you, rescue you from wrong work, increase your efficiency and save you from disaster (apologies for the beginning of the message).

The Marriage Challenge

Listen in as we discover some of the difficulties of marriage and three options we have during all of our relationship interactions.  What are those choices?  They are Turn Away, Turn Against or Turn Towards.  Powerful stuff from our friend Roy Wooten.

Why We May Struggle with Our Healing

Jesus asks the sick man (John 5:1-9) an almost ridiculous question, one that could be considered offensive to a person in pain–“Do you want to be healed?”  Aaron shares with us some insight on why we may struggle with receiving our own healing.

Why You Should Love You

Scripture tells us to love others in the same way we love ourselves.  It follows that we should love ourselves well.  Listen in as we explore and discover why it is important to love you, as well as three ways to love you best.
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