Sermons from November 2016

Dynamic Gratitude Breaks Our Entitlement

Pastor Stevie wraps up our Dynamic Gratitude series using a man of leprosy as an example of how entitlement robs of us thankfulness.  Stevie starts with a quiz so we can check our own sense of entitlement. He then moves onto 3 lies your entitlement will tell you… Our WEALTH entitles us to what we want Our POSITION entitles us to what we want Entitlement Convinces us we should get what we deserve From II Kings, chapter 5. “God wants…

Every Hope You Have is Found HERE

Join Pastor Les–grab some juice and bread, some wine and crackers or your coffee and a danish–and savor a moment of communion. EVERY hope you have is found HERE EVERY pain you have is healed HERE EVERY journey you are on is completed HERE WHERE is HERE?  Many would say the church; the worship service; in good counseling or in right doctrine.  HERE is WHERE Christ was crucified and lives again so that we may have life. “Peace is not…

The 3 Levels of Gratitude

Thanksgiving in scripture is almost always connected to either deliverance or provision but if we stop there then we will never get to the 3rd and most powerful level of Gratitude.  Pastor Les takes us through some of the Songs of David to see the 3 Levels of Thanksgiving and how we must transition from one level to the next until we have a song of deep thanksgiving within us. The 3 levels of gratitude are… To be thankful for…

Are Your Politics Governed by Your Flesh or His Spirit?

How can you know if your politics are being governed by your flesh or by His Spirit? Pastor Les shares from Romans 8 and explores a few area wrapped around this idea that we should be manifesting His Spirit even while in the midst of politics (and this season does not give us license to hate).  He takes on the wrong idea that we should vote our ‘conscience’ and gives us a few questions to ask ourselves to see if…