Prophetic Activation

Prophetic Activation

While in worship, the Spirit was pressing us into an uncomfortable place of declaring God’s goodness in the middle of our lack.  Typically we declare that God is good when He has done something tangible for us (a new car!) but rarely do we get beyond our emotions feel are true and declare what is eternally true of God–regardless of what we are now experiencing, thinking or feeling.

The first half of this short audio asks us to declare God’s goodness in the very area where we are suffering pain or in lack.  It may even feel bitter or hurtful to declare these things.

And maybe, just maybe, the pain that we feel when declaring Jesus as Someone we are not currently experiencing will reveal to us a wrong belief that is holding us captive.

(Pause when asked, after the first few minutes, and use your own words to declare God’s goodness in your area of lack or pain)