"main street crossing" Tagged Sermons (Page 7)

The Write Stuff Workshop #4

In sessions #3 and 4 we finalize your book topic, learn how to brain dump in order to clarify book content and then end with an exercise to organize your chapters. “What is obvious to you is amazing to others.”  (Derek Sivers)

The Write Stuff Workshop #3

In sessions #3 and 4 we finalize your book topic, learn how to brain dump in order to clarify book content and then end with an exercise to organize your chapters. “Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.”  (Gary Keller)

Who Should You Be Like?

All Christians know that they should be like Jesus.  From Mark 10 and Matthew 18 we discover that Jesus tells us to be like children.  In this message we take a look at… How the Disciples wanted the Children to become like adults but Jesus wanted the adults to be like Children. How we wrongly assume that we are being transformed into better versions of ourselves.  We are not. 4 ways we can be like little children. Pastor Les ends…

Back to School Blessing

Ms. Anita shares a scripture and a gift with each of our children as she blesses them in our Back to School Blessing service.

Banquet Table Vision + Communion

God showed me a short, simple vision of starving people rushing up to a banquet table full of the finest of foods.  Listen in and join in for a short sharing of communion.

Christian Politics 101: It’s All About You

When Jesus passionately prayed on the Mount of Olives why did He not pray for the hearts of politicians and religious leaders to be changed?  Could it be possible that politics is all about you and Jesus?

Working the Word with Cherie Bosch

When you work the word you will move from the desert into your promised life.  Cherie shares an encouraging message that will make you desire to grow more spiritual muscle through the working of the word.