"the journey church" Tagged Sermons (Page 8)

6 Ways to Heal Your Soul

Pastor Les recently shared a message in Scotland on how to heal the wounded land of your soul, specifically when you have been wounded by the “Church”.  This is not a part of his upcoming book, “Healing Wounded Land: How to Recover from Unhealthy Church”.  It is instead some of those things God has been teaching him that he did not know when he was working on the book. What keeps us from restoration? Unforgiveness Idolatry Anger instead of weeping Passivity…

Politics 101: It is All About You

Pastor Les begins his Peace. Love. Politics. Series with a message titled “Politics 101:  It is All About You”. He shares from Luke 22:39-46 and how the words of Jesus, “Not my will but yours be done” is so often misused because it is seen as meaning something it does not.  Pastor Les asks the question, “Why was Jesus able to put God’s will before what he wanted?” Pastor Les uses the 5 Levels of Communication (friendship) to help answer…

How to Pray as We Go

Pastor Les leaves for Scotland this week for 2 weeks of ministry.  He shares with us from Matthew 10 on how we can pray for those who go, but also reminds us that each of us GO every single day. Pray for the right… People Power Provision And remember, doing good things for or with the wrong people are not God things.  The wrong people are those you are not called to and they become distractions unto disobedience.

Sari Sim Shares a Story

Our friend and missionary from Panama, Sari Sim, says hello to The Journey and shares a short, powerful story about hearing and obeying God.

The Importance of Land

Cherie shares on the importance of land before we have a time of prayer. God has already set out our boundary lines There is land where it is easier to experience God Tomball is geographically blessed with an abundance of oil Tomball is the highest point in Harris County She also shares about the importance of being in the right place at the right time and encourages us that we are…at the right place at the right time.

Wisdom is the Way #2

“There is nothing in the Bible about peanuts but there is lots about God and He taught me about peanuts” (George Washington Carver) Pastor Stevie continues his message about wisdom and he starts out with the practical wisdom GW Carver found in scripture. God’s wisdom is at work before you ask Him for wisdom There is a cost for obtaining God’s wisdom God does not give advice. “Commit your actions to the Lord…”

The Write Stuff Workshop #6

This has been an exciting workshop! We punched fear in the face by picking a topic, declaring a title and lining out our chapters. We exposed the Big Fat Lies that keep people from even trying to write a book. We cast a vision by exploring what our front cover would look like, what our back cover would contain and how our First Book will look when it becomes available on Amazon. Wow!  In this last session together I will…

The Write Stuff Workshop #5

In session #5 the class is opened up to a lot of questions.  In this session of our workshop on how to write your first book we… Review how to discover your chapters Discover how to mind map what is in each chapter Discuss components of your front cover and the back of your book But mostly questions are answered and tips are given as to how to get to work and stay at work on your first book.