Sermons from 2017 (Page 5)

All Consuming Fire

This is not a message but a short prophetic ‘word’ from Pastor Les after singing a song with “All consuming fire” in it.  (Listen for the full 4.5 minutes) Would you, if you could, place your… poverty. anger.  fear.   depression. bitterness.  rage. brokenness.   impurity.  lust. hatred. racism.  sickness. unclear and unstable emotions.  thoughts that wander to wrong things.  In your hands and allow God to take them from you? Can you use your imagination and see your depression being consumed…

The Art of Maintaining Vision

The question is never what lies before me but rather What Lies within me?  And, what lies are within me?  I mentioned last week that during a time of prayer, listening to a great message or reading an inspiring book that VISION seems to be right there, very clear and resonates with us emotionally and actually makes us hopeful and happy simply to envision ourselves being that person in our vision, leading that sort of life.  We close the book…

The Art of Removing Barriers to Vision

The barrier to your vision is never the barrier you see.  The Israelites has good eyesight but all they could look at were the barriers.  Join us as we explore how to remove our barriers to vision and learn from  a group of fellow journey men how not to do things. One key in thinking about vision is this idea that if you are not looking within yourself then you probably cannot see the real barrier. What are some of…

The Art of Finding Vision

Lots of people struggle with admitting to having vision yet every one of us has vision.  Pastor Les breaks down Proverbs 29:18 and describes vision as both deeply spiritual and fiercely practical. The Bible teaches that we receive vision four different ways… Thru God and angels Thru experiences, such as prophecy, vision, etc. Thru scripture Thru natural functions You may be surprised to learn that Nehemiah did not have a vision to save the city but rather a deep desire.  And,…