Sermons from 2016 (Page 4)

The Write Stuff Workshop #2

In classes #1 and 2 we discover… Why you should write a book but don’t. How to bust thru the big lies that keep your typing fingers silent. That there are many, many book topics lying dormant in your brain. How to get those book ideas out and onto paper. “The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.”  (Linus Pauling)

The Write Stuff Workshop #1

In classes #1 and 2 we discover… Why you should write a book but don’t. How to bust thru the big lies that keep your typing fingers silent. That there are many, many book topics lying dormant in your brain. How to get those book ideas out and onto paper. “The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.”  (Linus Pauling)

Hiding? Or Hidden in the Purposes of God

Jim, our missionary to Panama, asks us a very probing question: “Are you hiding or are you hidden in God?” He then leads us into discovering what hiding looks and feels like, shares that shame if the primary motivation for hiding and then gives us the radical reasons why we have no need to hide.  

Psalm 16 Communion

We have two dogs.  A very large, old dog named Dakota and a very small dog named Harley.  They both are terribly afraid of thunderstorms.  Just the slightest chance of a thunderstorm and they are looking for a lap to crawl into. Psalm 16 says… “Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.   I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Join us for a few minutes as Pastor Les…

Your Story is Where Heaven Meets Earth

Heaven meets earth thru you.  Your living, giving and talking.  Pastor Les shares from Acts 22 and Revelation 12 in order to explore how to best… position yourself with people, transition your story into God’s story and release the copyright permission of your story to God. Some people are extremely good at making connections and all of us are constantly positioning ourselves to look good in front of others.  What keeps us from telling our stories and turning people onto…

Why General Faith Generally Fails

Pastor Les shares on healing and why we love speaking generally about faith but rarely get specific about it.  He uses Jairus and the Woman with the Issue of Blood as illustrations from Mark 4.  4 Questions are asked: (1) What specifically do you need to ask Jesus for?   (2) Where do you need work to breakthrough the barriers of wrong belief, bad doctrine and false ‘proof’?   (3)  Where are you afraid?   (4)  Where do you need…

Why You Want to Get to Know the Holy Spirit

Did you know that the Spirit is a common theme throughout scripture?  Did you also know that being filled with the Spirit is a common theme in both the Old and New Testaments?  Join us as Pastor Les explores a little bit of what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Communion with Kathleen Gage

He sent His Son as manna, as the Bread of Life, to sustain them and feed them, to show them His presence and that there was another kingdom that would take care of them.