"tomball" Tagged Sermons (Page 5)

A Culture of Faith & Risk

Faith is confidence in God–that God is who He says He is and that we are who He says we are.  Faith is confidence in the voice that comes from the One we cannot see.  Without faith it is impossible to please God, yet we almost always see faith as the way to see miracles instead of the way to enter into a deeper, more trusting relationship with a Good Dad (see Hebrews 11:6).  It is from the midst of…

A Culture of Joy

 God says, “I made you awesome and unique, to bring glory to My name!” and then we add in the fine print “And you will be miserable and unhappy and won’t have any fun at all”. (Pastor Les) Whenever joy is brought up really good Christians often go on a rant about how God doesn’t care about us being happy or about having fun.  It is almost as if any conversation exploring joy must be shut down before someone smiles…

Walking with The Cross

“When we follow our compassion into the crowds, we will find Jesus there, doing amazing things thru us” (Pastor Les) I spent a 5-days in Costa Rica last week with my friend and Panamanian missionary Jim Sim.  Each year, for years, we have set aside some days for prayer.  I flew to Costa Rica and Jim travelled via bus from Boquete, Panama. The last few years God has been healing me in the area of my emotions. By healing I…

The Cross & Easter

“The Mother of All Bombs was dropped on the weight of sin that held us captive at the cross of Jesus.  It obliterated my sins and they can no longer be found”  (Pastor Les) The main point of the Easter story is that JESUS WAS DEAD BUT IS NOW ALIVE.   The main point of the Easter story today, right now, it that I WAS DEAD BUT NOW I AM ALIVE! When we focus on The Cross without going to it…

Hope for the Hollow with Denny Dillon

“You cannot stay where you are and follow God”  (Henry Blackaby) Denny Dillon of Hope for the Hollow shares his story of following God into an amazing adventure right in his own back yard. You will be inspired to hear his journey, as well as an amazing testimony by a young lady’s journey to Jesus.


“To discover my design helps to reveal my destiny” In step #3 of our GROWTH classes we start exploring and discovering how we are uniquely and awesomely designed by our God. You will need the workbook for this one as we utilize an abbreviate DISC personality profile and a Spiritual Gifts Assessment in the workbook. Once you’ve taken the assessments and have some new words to describe how God made you, what should you do?  Les shares the A-E of…

Money Wisdom that Will Make You Happy

“God loves increase.  He loves multiplication.  He loves profit. This truth is found within the context of the simple and quite unattractive seed.” (Pastor Les) Finances are one of our favorite things.  We love the things money can buy, what it allows us to do and where it allows us to go.  Beyond that we often have hidden in our hearts a love for the position and power it gives us in the eyes of others. Money and our resources…

The Art of Finding Vision

Lots of people struggle with admitting to having vision yet every one of us has vision.  Pastor Les breaks down Proverbs 29:18 and describes vision as both deeply spiritual and fiercely practical. The Bible teaches that we receive vision four different ways… Thru God and angels Thru experiences, such as prophecy, vision, etc. Thru scripture Thru natural functions You may be surprised to learn that Nehemiah did not have a vision to save the city but rather a deep desire.  And,…

For God So Loved the World He Gave a Son

We know that Jesus is King, Lord, sacrificial lamb, scape goat, and the Bread of Life but why did God send a Son to be these things?  Jesus was not sent as a loaf of bread or as a lamb but as a Son.  There are a few reasons why Jesus being a Son is so crucial. Being a Son is the Imagery that has lasted for over 2,000 years.  Sacrificial lamb and scape goat can be taught but most…

Are Your Politics Governed by Your Flesh or His Spirit?

How can you know if your politics are being governed by your flesh or by His Spirit? Pastor Les shares from Romans 8 and explores a few area wrapped around this idea that we should be manifesting His Spirit even while in the midst of politics (and this season does not give us license to hate).  He takes on the wrong idea that we should vote our ‘conscience’ and gives us a few questions to ask ourselves to see if…